Friday 27 February 2009

In Sickness...

I'm not really up to my best today and I hate the feeling.
When you don't get ill that often, it makes being ill 5 times worse!

However, a certain someone didn't seem to bothered if I was ill or not today.
Sometimes you need those little boosts to keep you going on days like these.

I think the times when you have a bad hair day or you have the worst cold in the world are the best times for that special person to show you just how much they love you.
They show that they just couldn't care less whether you look great or can't stop sniffling, as long you are you.

These are the little things that make me realise how lucky I am.

Thursday 26 February 2009

I'm Not Too Fussed...

We had a very deep debate today about whether 'Meat is Murder'.
After much disagreement, we concluded that everyone who came into the room today with an opinion, kept that opinion!

I also realised today that I have never seen a wild 'farm' animal...
It was peculiar realisation.

Ultimately, I think I just like my bacon sarnies and roast dinners too much to give it all up!

Wednesday 25 February 2009

A Slight Reassessment.

So, after much comtemplation I think I have finally decided music is, and will be, my life. Even if there is a small voice in the back of my mind that seems to tell me some people do not approve.

After quite a few years of people telling me,
"But you have such an academic mind" and "It's such a competitive industry"
I think it's the competition that is making me wanting it more than ever.

When you have so little drive for a University life and degree, it just seems pointless to waste all that money on something I do not aspire to be.

Admittedly, this girl does not have a back up plan! I feel that this is the only way to achieve what I dream of. If I have no way out, I can only go forwards!