Tuesday 18 August 2009

Ahhh, holidays and the ultimate relaxation.

I would have documented my previous holiday this fornight...
however the WIFI was a pricey €25.00 a day in the Hotel Arts Barcelona, so i chose to leave it.
Here in portugal though, it comes at a bargain price of €15.00 a week!

Anyway, after a scrching week in Barcelona I came home for one day then jetted off again to Portugal :)
Here, it is beautiful weather and stunning, picturesque surroundings...so quiet!
So, atm I am just relaxing in the blazing heat that I can't help but feel uncomfortable in, sipping an ice cold bacardi&coke! mmm heaven :)

Thursday 6 August 2009

This day was the beautiful day,
tiptoe over fields so as not to wake distant memories,
hold back tears of heart-felt pain
and rejoice in the sympathy of the weighted kiss

This day was the beautiful day,
hands locked until worlds are ripped apart,
same gaze met in blurring sight
and sadness at the love that is now lost.

Wednesday 5 August 2009


"Barack Obama is an anagram of 'Bomb America',
...Well it isn't, but no one really checks anagrams do they?!"

Live @ the Apollo is LEGEND
Good old BlogSpot, I missed you :)

It's less than a week until I go on Holiday, where I plan on starting up my blog for real.
Atm, I'm just sat in bed watching Friends, having a good old lazy day.
Well I have only been up 3 hours!! Ooops.

To be fair, I'm gonna blame it on the HUGE shopping trip I had yesterday, as it was very impressive and we nearly had to sell our house. Jokes.

I also put up a shelf.
I did buy this shelf about 2 months ago, when I went on a very fun trip to IKEA with Emma Lumb.
IKEA is very clever.
It has no windows, therefore, you have no sense of time. If you go in there without a watch, you don't know the time! You don't know if it is dark outside or whether you have missed your favourite TV show. Also, by having a very clever path to follow, with arrows on the floor, it makes you walk past EVERYTHING. You can't help thinking which kitchen you want in your flat when you are older, and which HUGE in wardrobe you want in your bedroom...
If you walk the wrong way, you've broken the rules! tut tut. The Swedish frown on you!
Anyway, I built this shelf two months ago, drilled a good few holes in my bedroom wall only to find that I couldn't actually attach it to the wall. Apparently you need some plug things...ahh I don't know.
In the end, I couldn't find those to fit in the holes which I had drilled...EPIC FAIL.
This was where my Dad intervened.
He filled the holes I had drilled with this really sticky, strong, superglue like stuff and then put the screws in the wall.
That is how my bedroom wall stood until yesterday, when I finally decided to attach the shelf (that had been sat, built, at the side of my bed all that time, collecting dust) to the wall. It wasn't until after it was there, hanging proudly, that I started to get a bit scared.
I had very cleverly chosen to put this 'well built' 'well attached' shelf above my bed...SHIT.
To top off my nervousness, my dad wished me goodnight along with "Good Luck with the shelf. Careful it doesn't kill you while you sleep!!!"

As you can tell, the shelf didn't kill me, but even as I type the shelf does loom over-head.
It is scaring me and I haven't yet dared put anything on the shelf. I might try soon. One thing at a time :)

Till another day, if the shelf doesn't get me...